A philosophical statement on our lesson program: 

Our lesson program focuses on instilling good horsemanship practices and riding skills developed through the American forward system of riding.

We believe good horsemanship and strong riding are not exclusive to one discipline. Therefore, we teach and train English and Western, hunter/ jumper/ equitation, eventing, mounted shooting, trail obstacles, natural horsemanship, foxhunting, and trail.

Having a strong position will give you the skills and confidence to start in the discipline of your choice.



Stay tuned as we grow!

2023 is the ACTIVATION phase, the infrastructure has been laid and nearly complete (a few fences and waterlines to go). With a farm full of horses and clients, coupled with strong interest in lessons and the support of family and supporters, we’re jumping into 2023 with force!

With so much gratitude and excitement for our collective future, we look forward to sharing all the joy and success this year will bring!




Aerial Photo Credit: Duane Watts